Read the of the repo
Clone the project
git clone
Build the containers
make docker-up
Make sure Poetry is installed on your machine
poetry --version
If not installed, install Poetry with:
pip install poetry
virtualenv .venv
Make sure to 'make' installed for your machine.
make install # to install python package
make npm-install # to install npm packges inside static folder
Run Django development server
make serve
Run the vite developement server
make vite
make seed
poetry run python src/ seed --amount 10
Will create fake data necessary for testing and starting out.
for more information check src/rh/management/commands/
make lint
Ruff is used for linting and formatting.
Ruff is an extremely fast Python linter and code formatter. It can replace Flake8 and black formatter. Install the vs code extension to setup immediatly.
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